O’odham Ki: Living Learning Community
Pronounced AW-THAM-KEE, this phrase translates from the Tohono O’odham language as “The People’s House.” The wing provides a welcoming, comfortable, and supportive living and learning environment for Native American students with a focus on freshmen. This theme community comprises a wing in Coconino Dorm, which has 25 double rooms (50 beds).
Words from 2019-2020 Resident Scholars:
"I love meeting new residents as well as making friends. From the past, I enjoyed stories which are told by the elderly people and also people who were a previous student at the U of A. Also a student wouldn't turn down free food provided by NASA. NASA provides support from education, financial, spiritual, and so much more. NASA wants students to be able to continue in higher education and they want to help you achieve your goals."
Thrive Center: Cultural Learning Communities
The Cultural Learning Communities (CLCs) merge culture, identity, and academic support through classes, workshops, and peer mentoring. First year students seeking a culturally enriching experience who identify as African American/Black, Asian/Pacific Islander, Hispanic/Latinx/Chicanx, Native American/American Indian, or multiracial are able to participate in one of our five Cultural Learning Communities. Connect with a CLC.
- Weekly workshops
- One-on-one peer mentoring
- Access to Faculty Fellows
- Volunteer opportunities
- Networking
Native American In-State Residency Status
Available to students who are an enrolled member in a federally recognized Arizona tribe; verified by completion of a Native American Exception form and copy of a Certificate of Indian Blood or Tribal Identification Card. Please see Native American Exception form for respective deadlines.
Please click on link above to see information about various student resource centers on the UA campus.
HANDSHAKE is the University of Arizona's job board and career development platform.
University of Arizona Courtesy Bills Request
To receive monies to cover school expenses from an outside agency or third-party entity, you may send them a Courtesy Bill.
University of Arizona Scholarship Appeal Policy and Form
A Scholarship Appeal is necessary if you are not currently meeting your Scholarship's GPA and the University of Arizona (UA) unit renewal requirements. A Scholarship Appeal is not necessary if you are currently meeting your Scholarship's GPA and UA unit renewal requirements. A Scholarship Appeal cannot be used for students who did not receive a merit scholarship upon admission to the UA.
If you recently completed your renewal requirements, you must request a scholarship reinstatement by contacting the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid (OSFA) within 30 calendar days from the first day of class for the semester in which you are requesting reinstatement. Students who submit a completed appeal by the priority deadline will have a decision by the first day of fall classes. Please see link to view respective deadline for form submission.
Office of Student Financial Aid - Virtual appointments for General and Tribal Aid Related Questions
UArizona Survivor Advocacy Referral
Disability Resource Center Accomodation Request Form
Resilient Arizona - The mission of Resilient Arizona CCP is to assist individuals and communities in recovering from the psychological effects of the Coronavirus pandemic through community-based outreach, emotional support and educational services. Services are provided at no cost and are available to anyone who has been impacted by the pandemic. These services are provided in safe, accessible telephonic and virtual locations. Services can be provided in a group setting or one-on-one and include supportive crisis counseling, education, development of coping skills, and connection to appropriate resources.
Call 2-1-1 to get connected with Free Crises Counselors.
National Women's Law Center - The Legal Network for Gender Equity connects people who face sex discrimination at work, at school, or when getting health care, with legal assistance.
Celebrating Our Magic - Resources for American Indian/Alaska Native transgender and Two-Spirit youth, their relatives and families, and their healthcare providers.
Healthy Native Youth - Site contains health promotion curricula and resources for American Indian and Alaska Native youth.
American Indian and Alaska Native Government Benefits - Find youth, career, family, and other resources for American Indian and Alaska Native Peoples.
Resources and Information for Internet and Tech Services in Native Communities